Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The low energy is devastating me these days. Just feeling sick of the self victimization, I decided to give up my Yahoo blog and become a Blogger! With this new blog, I wish to share every single bit of my life (and treating it as a kind of writing practice!:P) and kick away my sorrows and negative energy.

An old friend has just moved back to Hong Kong after a 10-year long stay in US. I am thrilled because of her return. How interesting it is to know that other friends in US wish to come back while I am wishing to leave HK! Life is too short and I want to squeeze all my time to explore the big and wonderful world. There are lots to experience outside but too little time to learn a principal: the world is too big that things are too trivial for us to worry about.

Some day, I will take a photo in Prague, in Barcelona, in NZ and anywhere else, proving this statement.

Back to the reality, I need to earn sufficient amount of money to work out my dream! Save more and earn more!!!

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