Friday, August 13, 2010

New Horizon, New Start

It's been almost a week after the trip to Boracay. What I was worrying for the past few months happened. It rained throughout the six-day journey. We had expected a less fabulous scenery during this rainy season. Yet, I had earn much more than I expected. It's a rejuvenation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

You've got a friend

I had a wonderful evening with my secondary buddies. What a big contrast between the dinner last night and this. I was 'amazed' by the high pitch and hypocracy of my partner in the former night. Though I am simple, I can easliy look through someone and this time I can reassure that my judgment is right. She is witty but disgusting. I am so sick of flattering. Hence, she will never appear in my friend list. Sorry. On the other hand, after spending a night to discover the ugly truth, I spent another night in laughter. It was always gorgeous to chat and go mad with all of my true friends.

On the way home, I am trying to dig out the whole sorrowful story. When we were young, you will acquaint lots of calssmates and schoolmates. You may try to sort out those with similar interests, values of even height :P to be your friends. It sounds to be granted. Yet,time flies. You are going for work and discovered that there is no way to choose who is gonna be your colleagues. It takes lots of time for you to polish the coarse side but unfortunately you need to back down as no one will try to fit into your way. SO, there is no reason to build connection with them except jobs.

Thanks for the night that I have learnt to cherish this group of friends. I can be carefree and laugh out loud in front of them and I will not be teased because of my silliness. I do not need to deal with adult talks but recalling the silly memories I had in school. I am a child under their protection. You will see a lovely smile on my face.

You can criticize the naive and childish me for having no improvment, while I am proud to be innocence, and sincere, still. :)

Love you guys!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The low energy is devastating me these days. Just feeling sick of the self victimization, I decided to give up my Yahoo blog and become a Blogger! With this new blog, I wish to share every single bit of my life (and treating it as a kind of writing practice!:P) and kick away my sorrows and negative energy.

An old friend has just moved back to Hong Kong after a 10-year long stay in US. I am thrilled because of her return. How interesting it is to know that other friends in US wish to come back while I am wishing to leave HK! Life is too short and I want to squeeze all my time to explore the big and wonderful world. There are lots to experience outside but too little time to learn a principal: the world is too big that things are too trivial for us to worry about.

Some day, I will take a photo in Prague, in Barcelona, in NZ and anywhere else, proving this statement.

Back to the reality, I need to earn sufficient amount of money to work out my dream! Save more and earn more!!!